Santiago – Master programs in Management

We found 7 universities offering 7 Master programs in Management in Santiago.

Study the Master programs in Management in Santiago

  • 7


  • 7


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $2,468

    Tuition fees

Where can a Master in Safety Management find a career?

Masters in safety management are hired by big manufacturers and chain stores. Popular careers for masters in safety management include environmental health manager, safety manager, industrial hygienist, loss control specialist, safety engineer, maintenance supervisor, corporate safety manager.

Why should one obtain a Master's Degree in Safety Management?

Analysts of recommend obtaining a degree in safety management due to a high demand for professionals in this field. Also, safety management degree helps develop managerial skills.

Chile, Santiago – Master programs in Management statistics provides information about 7 Master programs in Management at 7 universities in Santiago, Chile. Furthermore, you can choose one of 9 Bachelor programs in Management at 9 universities, 7 Master programs in Management at 7 universities, and 1 PhD program in Management at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Chile

The largest cities offering Master programs in Management in Chile.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Santiago 7 ~ $2,468 Search
Valparaiso 1 ~ $4,170 Search
Temuco 1 ~ $2,847 Search
Antofagasta 1 ~ $2,500 Search

Chile – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $313


  • ~ $357


  • ~ $221


  • ~ $763


Santiago – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Santiago.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Management in Santiago, Chile

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Chile, Santiago

The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was founded on June 21, 1888 by Monsignor Mariano Casanova, Archbishop of Santiago. His goal was to create an institution capable of bl...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

Technical University of Chile Inacap

Chile, Santiago

Master • 1

We welcome you to the largest and most diverse Institution of Higher Education in Chile. With 50 years of experience, INACAP has been a fundamental pillar in the training of the pr...

Admissions open
~ $2,913 / year

Universidad Pedro de Valdivia

Chile, Santiago

Master • 1

The academic area of ​​the UPV's mission is to ensure students an integral professional education, which fosters ethical thinking and a critical and participative vision, in an env...

Admissions open
~ $2,654 / year

Metropolitan University of Technology

Chile, Santiago

The Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana is an institution of higher education in the State of Chile, accredited in 2016 for four years in the areas of Institutional Management, U...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

Bolivariana University

Chile, Santiago

As an alternative to the traditional educational system and under the concept of contributing to the transformation of national and Latin American reality, the Bolivarian Universit...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

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