Study in Tuxtla

We found 9 universities in Tuxtla.

Tuxtla – About the city

The population of the city is 537,102. Tuxtla is number 17 in Mexico by the number of universities available on There are 9 universities offering 102 study programs in Tuxtla.

Mexico, Tuxtla – Higher education system

The higher education system of Tuxtla is represented by 9 universities, which offer 102 study programs. In addition 60 Bachelor programs at 9 universities, 35 Master programs at 8 universities, and 7 PhD programs at 3 universities.

The largest cities in Mexico

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Mexico.

Mexico – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $395


  • ~ $193


  • ~ $153


  • ~ $467


Mexico – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Tuxtla.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular degree programs in Tuxtla

Institute of Higher Studies of Chiapas

Mexico, Tuxtla

Bachelor • 19 Master • 11 PhD • 4

We extend our most cordial welcome, knowing the different visions and point of personal opinion; We offer you our unwavering commitment to continue on the path of self-improvement;...

Admissions open
~ $2,000 / year

Banking and Commercial School

Mexico, Tuxtla

Bachelor • 9 Master • 3

Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC) is a higher education institution which markets itself as The Business School of Mexico. Since its establishment in 1929 by National Action Party...

Admissions open
~ $1,767 / year

University San Marcos Chiapas

Mexico, Tuxtla

Bachelor • 7 Master • 2 PhD • 2

The University System USAM - UTAC took office in 1992 with the creation of one of the first private Universities of our State, San Marcos University campus Tuxtla Gutierrez. The pr...

Admissions open
~ $1,778 / year

Maya University (Southern)

Mexico, Tuxtla

Bachelor • 12 Master • 5 PhD • 1

The mission of the Maya University is to train professionals who are capable of responding to current times and successfully entering labor markets, based on the development of a s...

Admissions open
~ $1,857 / year

National Institute of Fiscal Studies

Mexico, Tuxtla

Bachelor • 4 Master • 7

INEF's mission is to provide excellence education based on theoretical and practical knowledge that contributes to the formation of human talent to make them excellent professional...

Admissions open
~ $1,194 / year

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