Xalapa de Enriquez – Bachelor programs in Health

We found 2 universities offering 2 Bachelor programs in Health in Xalapa de Enriquez.

Study the Bachelor programs in Health in Xalapa de Enriquez

  • 2


  • 2


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $2,752

    Tuition fees

What jobs are available after completing a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology?

After completing a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology, the specialists can make a career as a kinesiologist, an athletic trainer, a rehabilitation therapist, a chiropractor, a yoga instructor. The possible places of employment are athletic centers, hospitals, health clubs, spas, colleges, universities.

What are the reasons to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology?

Free-Apply.com company analysts recommend completing a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology, considering that holding this degree gives an opportunity to choose a field of interest. A career as kinesiologist usually provides a peaceful work environment and flexible schedule.

Mexico, Xalapa de Enriquez – Bachelor programs in Health statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 2 Bachelor programs in Health at 2 universities in Xalapa de Enriquez, Mexico. Furthermore, you can choose one of 2 Bachelor programs in Health at 2 universities, 1 Master program in Health at 1 university, and 1 PhD program in Health at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Mexico

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Health in Mexico.

Mexico – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $395


  • ~ $193


  • ~ $153


  • ~ $467


Xalapa de Enriquez – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Xalapa de Enriquez.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Health in Xalapa de Enriquez, Mexico

University Hernán Cortés

Mexico, Xalapa de Enriquez

Bachelor • 1

Higher education is an area of profound transformation, with repercussions on the economic, social, political and cultural levels. Hernán Cortés University is reforming its educati...

Admissions open
~ $1,853 / year

Veracruz University

Mexico, Xalapa de Enriquez

Bachelor • 1

The Universidad Veracruzana (UV) is an institution of public and autonomous higher education, founded on September 11, 1944 . The institution must fully carry out its mission as an...

Admissions open
~ $3,650 / year

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