Oakland City – Bachelor programs in Media Communications

We found 1 university offering 1 Bachelor program in Media Communications in Oakland City.

Study the Bachelor programs in Media Communications in Oakland City

  • 1


  • 1


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $22,800

    Tuition fees

What careers are available after obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Media Studies & Mass Media?

A bachelor's degree in mass media leads to a wide range of media careers, for example, a multimedia specialist, a social media manager, a specialist in mass media, a television producer, a mass media technology manager, a media planner, a web content manager. The possible places of work are media and entertainment companies, media planning and buying organizations, advertising agencies.

What are the reasons to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Media Studies & Mass Media?

Free-Apply.com company career specialists recommend completing a degree in Media Studies and Mass Media on the ground that media industry provides a vivid work environment and opportunities to travel abroad. A media career is suitable for communicative person with strong interpersonal, organizational and problem-solving skills.

United States, Oakland City – Bachelor programs in Media Communications statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 1 Bachelor program in Media Communications at 1 university in Oakland City, United States. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Bachelor program in Media Communications at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in United States

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Media Communications in United States.

United States – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $1,612


  • ~ $978


  • ~ $363


  • ~ $3,026


Oakland City – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Oakland City.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Media Communications in Oakland City, United States

Oakland City University

United States, Oakland City

Bachelor • 1

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~ $22,800 / year

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