Kansas City – Bachelor programs in Management

We found 7 universities offering 7 Bachelor programs in Management in Kansas City.

Study the Bachelor programs in Management in Kansas City

  • 7


  • 7


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $11,521

    Tuition fees

On completion a Bachelor's degree in Quality Management, what are the available careers?

Graduates of quality management courses may get positions in different sectors of industry and services, for example, computer, food manufacturing, oil and gas companies. A Bachelor's degree in Quality Management allows employment as a quality assurance manager, as well as a quality technician, a shift supervisor, also a quality systems manager and a quality control manager.

What is the motivation to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Quality Management?

Free-Apply.com analysts advise completing a degree of Quality Management because experts in this field are important for all kinds of manufacturing and service companies. Students of Quality Management improve critical thinking, problem solving, analytical, as well as math skills.

United States, Kansas City – Bachelor programs in Management statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 7 Bachelor programs in Management at 7 universities in Kansas City, United States. Furthermore, you can choose one of 7 Bachelor programs in Management at 7 universities and 3 Master programs in Management at 3 universities.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in United States

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Management in United States.

United States – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $1,612


  • ~ $978


  • ~ $363


  • ~ $3,026


Kansas City – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Kansas City.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Management in Kansas City, United States

University of Missouri Kansas City

United States, Kansas City

Bachelor • 1

The University of Missouri–Kansas City (UMKC) is a public research university serving the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Located in Kansas City, Missouri, UMKC is one of fo...

Admissions open
~ $7,837 / year

Rockhurst University

United States, Kansas City

Bachelor • 1

At Rockhurst University, we help you become who you want to be, not just what. We’re proud to be Kansas City’s Jesuit university for more than 100 years. We’re in the city for good...

Admissions open
~ $17,021 / year

Metropolitan Community College

United States, Kansas City

Bachelor • 1

Metropolitan Community College (MCC) is a community college system in Missouri, United States. The system consists of five separate campuses located in Kansas City, Independence, a...

Admissions open
~ $11,112 / year

City Vision University

United States, Kansas City

Bachelor • 1

City Vision University provides online Christian education to students pursuing nonprofit and counseling careers and to staff at evangelical organizations serving the poor as well...

Admissions open
~ $7,500 / year

University of Idaho

United States, Kansas City

Bachelor • 1

The University of Idaho (officially abbreviated UI, locally referred to as "the U of I") is the U.S. state of Idaho's oldest public university, located in the city of Moscow in Lat...

Admissions open
~ $7,020 / year

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