Memphis – Bachelor programs in Engineering

We found 5 universities offering 5 Bachelor programs in Engineering in Memphis.

Study the Bachelor programs in Engineering in Memphis

  • 5


  • 5


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $9,370

    Tuition fees

What careers are available after completing a Bachelor's degree in Electronics & Embedded Technology?

Postgraduates of embedded systems course can obtain positions such as an embedded technologies engineer, an embedded systems engineer, an industrial engineer, an embedded systems manager, an electronics engineer. Postgraduates of Electronics and Embedded Technology work for the computer, medical equipment, as well as electronics manufacturer, and telecommunication companies.

Why obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Embedded Technology? career specialists advise completing an Electronics and Embedded Technology degree, as postgraduates in this field are in demand in electronic manufacturing companies. A Bachelor’s degree of Embedded Technology involves improving problem-solving, technical and analytical skills.

United States, Memphis – Bachelor programs in Engineering statistics provides information about 5 Bachelor programs in Engineering at 5 universities in Memphis, United States. Furthermore, you can choose one of 5 Bachelor programs in Engineering at 5 universities, 2 Master programs in Engineering at 2 universities, and 1 PhD program in Engineering at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in United States

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Engineering in United States.

United States – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $1,612


  • ~ $978


  • ~ $363


  • ~ $3,026


Memphis – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Memphis.

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Engineering in Memphis, United States

Christian Brothers University

United States, Memphis

Bachelor • 1

Christian Brothers University is the oldest collegiate degree-granting institution in the city of Memphis. The university is run by the Christian Brothers, a Roman Catholic religio...

Admissions open
~ $23,700 / year

William Moore College of Technology

United States, Memphis

Bachelor • 1

Founded in 1909, the college is private, non-profit, and operated and governed by a self-perpetuating board of trustees. Operation is entirely independent of any other college syst...

Admissions open
~ $5,760 / year

Southwest Tennessee Community College Memphis

United States, Memphis

Bachelor • 1

Southwest Tennessee Community College is the comprehensive, multicultural, public, open-access college whose mission is to anticipate and respond to the educational needs of studen...

Admissions open
~ $3,336 / year

University of Memphis

United States, Memphis

Bachelor • 1

The University of Memphis, also called The U of M, is an American public research university located in the Normal Station neighborhood of Memphis, Tennessee. Founded in 1912, the...

Admissions open
~ $8,903 / year

Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Memphis

United States, Memphis

Bachelor • 1

The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology serve as the premier suppliers of workforce development throughout the State of Tennessee. The Colleges fulfill their mission by: *Prov...

Admissions open
~ $5,150 / year

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