Romania – Bachelor programs in Ecology
We found 8 universities offering 8 Bachelor programs.
Study the Bachelor programs in Ecology in Romania
Years of study
~ $565
Tuition fees
Who is the bachelor of ecology?
A Bachelor of Ecology is engaged in the identification, study, and minimization of natural and human factors that negatively affect the environment. He examines any negative phenomena in nature, establishes their cause and methods for their prevention.
What are the tasks of the bachelor of ecology?
The Bachelor of Ecology carries out the following tasks: developing the environmental policy and monitoring its compliance, compilation of environmental documentation supporting the enterprise, including interaction with authorities, including auditing, including interaction with organizations that issue initial permits, agreeing on project documentation, organization of work at the enterprise in emergency situations or in the event of an industrial accident, consulting employees enterprises on environmental issues.
Romania – Bachelor programs in Ecology statistics provides information about 8 Bachelor programs in Ecology at 8 universities in Romania. Furthermore, you can choose one of 8 Bachelor programs in Ecology at 8 universities, 8 Master programs in Ecology at 8 universities, and 4 PhD programs in Ecology at 4 universities.
Reasons to study in Romania
No 39 in the world education ranking
No 40 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 60 in the world economy ranking
No 37 in the world safety ranking
The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Ecology in Romania
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Romania.
Romania – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $117
~ $230
~ $160
~ $644
Romania – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Romania.
100% discount for the 1st year
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