List of universities by your criteria
Showing 1 – 20 of over 23 results.
University of Poitiers
France, Poitiers
The University of Poitiers (French: Université de Poitiers) is a university in Poitiers, France. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, as one of the oldest universities of Europe. A...
National School of Architecture of Paris-Belleville
France, Paris
From a dissident studio of the Paris School of Fine Arts , the Paris-Belleville school was founded by Bernard Huet and officially recognized in 1969 as UP8. Since 2009, the school...
Lyon Polytechnic Institute
France, Lyon
While valorizing the strengths and strengths of each of the 4 Grandes Ecoles federated within it (CPE Lyon, ECAM Lyon, ISARA-Lyon, ITECH), IPL has created an overall synergy and a...
National School of Architecture of Paris-La Villette
France, Paris
The National School of Architecture of Paris-La Villette ( ENSAPLV ) is a public institution of higher education of administrative character located in Paris in France. It is place...
Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space
France, Toulouse
he Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space, or ISAE-SUPAERO4, is one of the leading French engineering schools among the 210 French engineering schools authorized to award an eng...
National School of Mines of St-Etienne
France, Saint-Etienne
Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne (Mines Saint-Etienne) (ENSMSE) is one of the French graduate engineering schools (Grandes Ecoles) training engineers and carrying out industry-orie...
National School of Architecture of Paris-Malaquais
France, Paris
The National School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais is one of the 20 national schools of architecture in France . It is located in the historic precinct of the National School of F...
National School of Architecture of Versailles
France, Versailles
The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Versailles (ENSA-V), a public institution of higher education of an administrative nature, is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Cult...
Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux
France, Bordeaux
The Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute (trade name: Bordeaux INP) is a higher education institution, under the supervision of the ministry responsible for higher education and research...
University of Pau and Adour Country
France, Pau
On 17 December 1970, a presidential decree formalised the creation of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), comprising the three existing Teaching and Research Units...
Polytech Montpellier
France, Montpellier
The "Edgar Faure" law of 12 November 1968, named after the then Minister of Education, marks a break in French education by redefining the status of universities. In particular, it...
National School of Architecture of Grenoble
France, Grenoble
The National School of Architecture of Grenoble (ENSAG) is a public administrative institution of higher education under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture , the Ministry o...
Paris West University Nanterre La Defense
France, Nanterre
Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) formerly called Paris X Nanterre is a French university in the Academy of Versailles. It is o...
Higher National School of Mechanics and Microtechniques
France, Besancon
The training is provided by ENSMM, the only one in Europe, is the combination of engineering systems, mainly micromechanical, acoustoelectrical optoelectronic microsystems, to desi...
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
France, Champs-sur-Marne
The École des Ponts ParisTech offers a training of general engineer of very high level. The Graduate School, which relies on the excellence of its 12 research laboratories, develop...
National School D'architecture
France, Champs-sur-Marne
The Marne-la-Vallée School of Architecture in Marne-la-Vallée, founded in 1998, is one of the twenty French national superior schools of architecture, public administrative institu...
National Institute of Applied Sciences
France, Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray
INSA de Rouen (literally the National Institute of Applied Sciences) is a French grande école, that is to say a five-year curriculum which aims to train engineers who possess human...
Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape
France, Talence
The school has the status of a public institution of an administrative nature under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. It is an associate member of the " Community of Uni...
National School of Architecture of Paris-Val de Seine
France, Paris
The National School of Architecture of Paris-Val de Seine ( ENSAPVS ) is a public educational institution of architecture . ENSAPVS is placed under the supervision of the Departmen...
National School of Architecture of Lyon
France, Vaulx-en-Velin
The National School of Architecture of Lyon - ENSA Lyon, formerly School of Architecture of Lyon - EAL, is located in Vaulx-en-Velin , on the same campus as the ENTPE. The National...