Liste des programmes selon vos critères
Montrant 21 – 40 de plus de 73 résultats.
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Huánuco
The National University Hermilio Valdizán , abbreviated UNHEVAL, is a Peruvian public university with headquarters in the city of Huánuco. It has subsections in four provinces of t...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Arequipa
The Sodalitium Christianae Vitae and the Center for Research and Technology for the Development of Social Sciences founded in Arequipa the Catholic University of San Pablo through...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Caraz
Cibertec started its educational activities in 1983 (by Ministerial Resolution 1451-83-ED dated 10 November 1983) with the aim of presenting an alternative project for higher educa...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Huaraz
The National University of Ancash Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo , acronym UNASAM, is a Peruvian public university located in the city of Huaraz , department of Áncash. Mission Form Pr...
Bachelor of Administration
Inheriting a long Jesuit tradition in the country, the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University was born in 2003. Through the San Pablo, San Martin or San Francisco de Borja colleges, fr...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Lima
Ricardo Palma University - is a private university in the city of Lima , Peru . Founded on July 1, 1969 and named in honor of the Peruvian writer Ricardo Palma (1833-1919). The fo...
Bachelor of Administration
The Catholic University of Santa Maria is a superior educational institution founded in 1961 by Father William Morris Christy, with the objectives of training students with humanis...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Moche
The Catholic University of Trujillo Benedict XVI was founded by the Metropolitan Archbishopric of Trujillo and Archbishop Héctor Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, OFM, Authorized on Novembe...
Bachelor of Administration
The history of Universidad del Pacífico began on February 28th, 1962. At that time, a group of personalities from the business sector, with the support of the Society of Jesus, fou...
Bachelor of Administration
The National University of San Martín - Tarapoto, was created by D.L. No. 22803 on December 18, 1979 in the city of Tarapoto, ratified by Law No. 23262 on July 18, 1981. In April 1...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Lima
Established in 2004, Universidad Privada TELESUP (TELESUP Private University) is a private higher education institution located in the metropolis of Lima. Officially accredited/rec...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Moyobamba
The dream of transforming education was born in Trujillo, in 1991, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of its founder, Ing. César Acuña Peralta , and a group of outstanding intell...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Chiclayo
The University of Lambayeque is an institution located in the city of Chilcayo dedicated to training professionals in the areas of engineering, information technology, administrati...
Bachelor of Administration
The San Juan Bautista Private University ( UPSJB ) is a Peruvian university, founded on April 8, 1997 within the former Hacienda Villa, in the Chorrillos district, south of Lima, P...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Lima
The Peruvian University of Applied Sciences was created by Law No. 26276, dated January 5 , 1994 . On February 18 of the same year, the ceremony was held to place the first stone o...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Pucallpa
The idea of creating a new university of a private, competitive and quality character was conceived from 2002, with the approval of the Institutional Development Project of the P...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Cajamarca
On February 13, 1962 , Law No. 14015 was enacted, establishing the Technical University of Cajamarca, and on July 14 of the same year it began its operation, with a planning of six...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Chiclayo
THE Catholic University Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT) is a university promoted and sponsored by the Bishopric of Chiclayo, in the department of Lambayeque, Peru. It was founded...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Puno
The National University of the Altiplano is based on the scientific and humanistic development of our students. This academic philosophical foundation is instilled in our students...
Bachelor of Administration
Pérou, Lima
The National Council for the Authorization and Functioning of Universities (CONAFU), through Resolution 238-2001 of December 4, 2002, approved the Institutional Development Project...