Список программ по вашим критериям

Показано 1 – 20 из 127 результатов.

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Николаев

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

Education in English is available, the price is specified additionally. Tuition fees for international students are specified separately for each country.

Набор открыт
~ 1 350 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Николаев

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Заочная

Education in English is available, the price is specified additionally. Tuition fees for international students are specified separately for each country.

Набор открыт
~ 900 $ / год

Bachelor of System analysis

Украина, Николаев

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

The studying in English is available, the price is specified additionally. Tuition fees for international students are specified separately for each country.

Набор открыт
~ 1 000 $ / год

Bachelor of System analysis

Украина, Николаев

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Заочная

The studying in English is available, the price is specified additionally. Tuition fees for international students are specified separately for each country.

Набор открыт
~ 800 $ / год

Game Developer

Украина, Киев

Бакалавр Информатика 3.5 года Очная

The aim of the Game Developer course is to create your own game, starting from the design phase, through the implementation of assumptions, creation of graphic resources, to the va...

Набор открыт
~ 2 705 $ / год

Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Украина, Киев

Бакалавр Информатика 3.5 года Очная

Computer graphics and multimedia is a field of study that gives you the opportunity to acquire knowledge and competences that are necessary in your professional work. The study pro...

Набор открыт
~ 2 705 $ / год

Cybersecurity Analyst

Украина, Киев

Бакалавр Информатика 3.5 года Очная

Most of the classes conducted in the course of engineering studies in the field of Computer Science have a practical aspect, which gives high results in terms of acquiring knowledg...

Набор открыт
~ 2 705 $ / год

Business Application Developer

Украина, Киев

Бакалавр Информатика 3.5 года Очная

The undergraduate engineering degree program in Business Applications Programmer is 7 semesters (3,5 years) long. During the course of study with a specialization in Business Appl...

Набор открыт
~ 2 705 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Львов

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

Lviv University of Trade and Economics - the oldest in Ukraine and one of the oldest European trade and economic institutions, which starts from March 7, 1816. That's when Austrian...

Набор открыт
~ 1 500 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Умань

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

Uman National University of Horticulture is the hallmark of the city and the flagship agricultural education not only Cherkasy region, but throughout Ukraine. Scientific achievemen...

Набор открыт
~ 1 000 $ / год

Micro-and Nanosystem Engineering

Украина, Сумы

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

Namber of credits: 240 ECTS credits Required background: full secondary education Program learning outcomes: • to know the design, manufacture, installation, operation, maintenanc...

Набор открыт
~ 7 000 $ / год

Electronic informational systems

Украина, Сумы

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

Namber of credits: 240 ECTS credits Required background: full secondary education Program learning outcomes: • to study of the physical principles of work, design and applications...

Набор открыт
~ 7 000 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Харьков

Бакалавр Информатика 3 года Очная

In autumn 1870 the Ministry of Finance instructed Training Committee of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology to prepare materials for the organization of the new university i...

Набор открыт
~ 559 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Николаев

Бакалавр Информатика 3 года Очная

Nicholas V.O.Suhomlynskoho National University - one of the oldest high schools in southern Ukraine, it was founded in 1913 as a teacher's institute. Its first issue was held in 19...

Набор открыт
~ 152 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Киев

Бакалавр Информатика 3 года Очная

The idea of ​​establishing the University in Kiev appeared in the ruling circles of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XIX century., Immediately after the opening of school...

Набор открыт
~ 950 $ / год

Bachelor of System Analysis

Украина, Мариуполь

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

In September 1991, on the initiative of Mariupol city national-cultural society of the Greeks, Donetsk State University and with support from Mariupol City Council established Mari...

Набор открыт
~ 800 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Киев

Бакалавр Информатика 4 года Очная

«KROK» University is one of the first private educational institutions of Ukraine, IV (highest) accreditation level. It was founded in 1992, and in 2015 according to the ranking «T...

Набор открыт
~ 3 000 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Черкассы

Бакалавр Информатика 3 года Очная

The Academy of Fire Safety began to create according to the order of the USSR Ministry of June 26, 1973 Cherkasky fire-technical school. June 9, 1997 by the Cabinet of Ministers o...

Набор открыт
~ 500 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Харьков

Бакалавр Информатика 3 года Очная

Our history dates back 12 June 1930, when according to the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR number 19/672 was created operational and traction Kharkov Sta...

Набор открыт
~ 312 $ / год

Bachelor of Computer Science

Украина, Харьков

Бакалавр Информатика 3 года Очная

Kharkiv National University of Economics in its history associated with specific commercial institutions of education, set up in Odessa during the rapid economic growth context. XI...

Набор открыт
~ 450 $ / год

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