Democratic Republic of the Congo – Bachelor programs in Computer Science

We found 8 universities offering 8 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Computer Science in Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • 8


  • 8


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $776

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering?

Computer Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that covers computer science and electrical engineering. The program of the Bachelor of Computer Engineering includes courses on electronics, hardware design, as well as mathematics and physics, along with operating methods, which includes communicative systems, etc.

What are the study tasks of a graduate student of Computer Engineering?

The study tasks of a graduate student of Computer Engineering include creating and developing computer hardware, as well as testing together with repairing computers, that includes developing different computer devices along with equipment such as keyboards, chips, routers, modems, etc.

Democratic Republic of the Congo – Bachelor programs in Computer Science statistics provides information about 8 Bachelor programs in Computer Science at 8 universities in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Furthermore, you can choose one of 8 Bachelor programs in Computer Science at 8 universities, 2 Master programs in Computer Science at 2 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Computer Science at 2 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Computer Science in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Uvira 1 ~ $580 Search
Lubumbashi 1 ~ $300 Search
Goma 1 ~ $1,000 Search
Beni 1 ~ $586 Search
Kinshasa 1 ~ $600 Search
Kananga 1 ~ $1,000 Search
Mwene-Ditu 1 ~ $641 Search

Democratic Republic of the Congo – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $59


Democratic Republic of the Congo – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Computer Science in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Official Unviversité Ruwenzori

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bachelor • 1

The Official University of Ruwenzori is a Higher Education and University Institution initiated by Professor BBEMO MUSUBAHO MUTATSAPA BAUDOUIN in 1999. At that time, the political...

Admissions open
~ $1,500 / year

Protestant University of Lubumbashi

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lubumbashi

Bachelor • 1

This university belongs to the Korean community of the DRC. Land that was the subject of a concession by the public sector was decommissioned and transferred to the university in...

Admissions open
~ $300 / year

University of Mwene-Ditu (UMD) in Mwene-Ditu

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mwene-Ditu

Bachelor • 1

The history of the University of Mwene-Ditu, in acronym "UMD" is a continuation of the history of the three first Universities of the country, created in the colonial era, which ar...

Admissions open
~ $641 / year

Christian Bilingual University of Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Beni

Bachelor • 1

The Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo (UCBC) offers a variety of degree programs taught in English and French, giving students access to a broad spectrum of academic resource...

Admissions open
~ $586 / year

University William Booth

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa

Bachelor • 1

Established in 1996, Université William Booth (William Booth University) is a higher education institution located in the metropolis of Kinshasa (population range of over 5,000,000...

Admissions open
~ $600 / year

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