Master programs in Sierra Leone

We found 2 universities with 19 programs in Sierra Leone.

About the Master in Sierra Leone

  • 2


  • 19


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $6,526

    Tuition fees

Choosing a Master’s Program is similar to selecting a bachelor for an undergraduate degree or selecting an undergraduate college. However, there are some differences. An important Part of choosing a university to complete a master requires looking for a faculty or professor whose work you admire and who you’d like to study with. Financial aid is important when choosing a mater program, as some programs offer full support, others do not. Identify the career you are working for! Choose a program that matches career goals and provides opportunities for specialization. Focus on a particular study area, such as a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Playwriting or Acting or Master of Science (MS) in Biology this will eliminate a number of universities that do not offer these specific master’s programs.

Sierra Leone – Master programs statistics provides information about 19 programs at 2 universities in Sierra Leone. Furthermore, you can choose one of 42 Bachelor programs at 3 universities and 19 Master programs at 2 universities.

Sierra Leone – What Master program to study?

The most popular Master disciplines in Sierra Leone.

The largest cities offering Master programs in Sierra Leone

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Sierra Leone.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Makeni 1 ~ $9,333 Search
Bo 1 ~ $6,000 Search

Sierra Leone – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $727


Where to obtain a Master program in Sierra Leone

The most popular student cities in Sierra Leone.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Sierra Leone.

Njala University Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone, Bo

Master • 16

Njala University (NU) is a public university located in Bo and in Njala, Moyamba District, Sierra Leone. It is the second largest university in Sierra Leone (after the Fourah Bay C...

Admissions open
~ $6,000 / year

University of Makeni

Sierra Leone, Makeni

Master • 3

The University of Makeni began life as The Fatima Institute which opened in September 2005 with the aim of promoting faith and the economic, social, political and religious develop...

Admissions open
~ $9,333 / year

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