Morocco – Bachelor programs in Culturology

We found 11 universities offering 11 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Culturology in Morocco

  • 11


  • 11


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $5,945

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Asian Studies?

Asian Studies cover culture, literature, philology, history and politics of Asian countries and regions such as Japan, China, India, Tibet, Korea, etc. A Bachelor's degree in Asian Studies prepares professionals for various fields including international relations, cultural studies, translation, international marketing and business.

What are the duties of a graduate student of Asian Studies?

The duties of a graduate student of Asian Studies are diverse including the development of a global strategy, the organization of international sales and marketing, the study of Asian culture, languages and the maintenance of international relations.

Morocco – Bachelor programs in Culturology statistics provides information about 11 Bachelor programs in Culturology at 11 universities in Morocco. Furthermore, you can choose one of 11 Bachelor programs in Culturology at 11 universities, 10 Master programs in Culturology at 10 universities, and 5 PhD programs in Culturology at 5 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Culturology in Morocco

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Morocco.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Fes 3 ~ $5,134 Search
Casablanca 3 ~ $8,655 Search
Beni Mellal 1 ~ $4,628 Search
Khouribga 1 ~ $5,017 Search
Agadir 1 ~ $4,852 Search
Tetouan 1 ~ $4,771 Search
Rabat 1 ~ $4,759 Search

Morocco – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $570


  • ~ $185


  • ~ $158


  • ~ $424


Morocco – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Morocco.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Culturology in Morocco

Hassan II University of Casablanca

Morocco, Casablanca

Bachelor • 1

At its founding in 1975, the University includes the Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. As of the academic year 1981, the...

Admissions open
~ $8,546 / year

University Abdelmalek Essaadi

Morocco, Tetouan

Bachelor • 1

Abdelmalek Essaadi University is a Moroccan university whose schools and institutions are located in the Tangier-Tetouan region, especially in these two large cities, including the...

Admissions open
~ $4,771 / year

Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fes University

Morocco, Fes

Bachelor • 1

By Dahir No. 2.75.662 of 11 Chaoual 1395 (17 October 1975) and in accordance with the Royal Directives aimed at bringing higher education establishments closer to researchers and s...

Admissions open
~ $5,295 / year

Hassan I Settat University - Khydibga Polydisciplinary Faculty

Morocco, Khouribga

Bachelor • 1

The Polydisciplinary Faculty of Khouribga (FPK) was created in 2004, within the framework of the policy of decentralization and regionalization that Morocco is experiencing. The FP...

Admissions open
~ $5,017 / year

Hassan II University Mohammedia - Faculty of Arts and Humanities Ben M'sick

Morocco, Casablanca

Bachelor • 1

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities Ben M'Sik-Casablanca was founded in 1984 and has since its beginning a cultural and artistic vocation, concretized by a panoply of cultural activ...

Admissions open
~ $8,927 / year

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