France – Bachelor programs in Physical Education

We found 21 universities offering 21 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Physical Education in France

  • 21


  • 21


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $2,396

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education?

A bachelor's degree in physical education involves obtaining knowledge of anatomy, nutrition, combined with kinesiology, sports psychology, together with physical education teaching methods, first aid, and injury prevention. Teachers of physical education play an important role in maintaining physical health and discovering future sports stars.

What are the duties of a graduate student of Physical Education?

The duties of a graduate student of Physical Education include providing guidance for a healthy lifestyle, together with improving performances of students, promoting teamwork, as well as coaching and training for competitions, in addition, preparing a suitable plan of training, and ensuring the implementation of safety regulations.

France – Bachelor programs in Physical Education statistics provides information about 21 Bachelor programs in Physical Education at 21 universities in France. Furthermore, you can choose one of 21 Bachelor programs in Physical Education at 21 universities, 20 Master programs in Physical Education at 20 universities, and 5 PhD programs in Physical Education at 5 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Physical Education in France

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in France.

France – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $405


  • ~ $599


  • ~ $365


  • ~ $2,128


France – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in France.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Physical Education in France

University of Poitiers

France, Poitiers

Bachelor • 1

The University of Poitiers (French: Université de Poitiers) is a university in Poitiers, France. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, as one of the oldest universities of Europe. A...

Admissions open
~ $595 / year

Catholic University of Paris

France, Paris

The Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP), known in English as the Catholic University of Paris (and in Latin as Universitas catholica Parisiensis), is a private university located in...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

University of Picardie Jules Verne

France, Amiens

Bachelor • 1

The University of Amiens1 or the University of Picardie-Jules-Verne is a French university founded in 1969, with its headquarters in Amiens but with several campuses Towns of the H...

Admissions open
~ $2,400 / year

National School of Architecture of Brittany

France, Rennes

Bachelor • 1

The Regional School of Rennes was opened on 2 October 1905 in the premises of the Municipal School of Fine Arts. In 1984, the school was called "Ecole d'Architecture de Bretagne" a...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

University of the Littoral Opal Coast

France, Dunkerque

The first university relocation of the region was set up by the University of Lille that sets up in 1963 a university college of science education at Calais. A project to transform...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

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