Montevideo – Bachelor programs in Engineering
We found 9 universities offering 9 Bachelor programs in Engineering in Montevideo.
Study the Bachelor programs in Engineering in Montevideo
Years of study
~ $5,882
Tuition fees
On completion a bachelor's degree in marine engineering, what are the available careers?
A Marine Engineering diploma leads to employment as a marine engineer, a marine technician, a naval architect, a port engineer, an underwater systems engineer. Marine engineers work for shipbuilding and maritime companies, oil producing and defense industries. Graduates have the opportunity to continue studying for a higher degree to work at universities and institutes.
What are the reasons to complete a bachelor’s degree in marine engineering?
The company specialists of education recommend completing a degree in Marine Engineering for the reasons that this field offers well-paid positions, and professionals in Marine Engineering are in demand.
Uruguay, Montevideo – Bachelor programs in Engineering statistics provides information about 9 Bachelor programs in Engineering at 9 universities in Montevideo, Uruguay. Furthermore, you can choose one of 9 Bachelor programs in Engineering at 9 universities and 5 Master programs in Engineering at 5 universities.
Reasons to study in Uruguay
No 63 in the world education ranking
No 57 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 52 in the world economy ranking
No 52 in the world safety ranking
Uruguay – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $562
~ $385
~ $250
~ $730
Montevideo – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Montevideo.
100% discount for the 1st year
Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies