Bachelor programs in Hampton

We found 77 Bachelor programs in Hampton.

Hampton – About the city

  • 4


  • 77


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $13,004

    Tuition fees

The population of the city is 136,454. Hampton is number 125 in United States by the number of universities available on There are 4 universities offering 77 Bachelor programs in Hampton.

Hampton – What Bachelor program to choose?

The most popular Bachelor disciplines in Hampton.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in United States

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in United States.

United States – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $1,612


  • ~ $978


  • ~ $363


  • ~ $3,026


United States – Where to earn a Bachelor degree?

The most popular universities in Hampton.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Hampton

Hampton University

United States, Hampton

Bachelor • 28

Other universities simply teach history. Hampton University puts you right in the middle of it. Because, as you'll soon discover, you're not just a part of Hampton University - Ham...

Admissions open
~ $23,112 / year

Elizabeth City State University

United States, Hampton

Bachelor • 20

As a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina, Elizabeth City State University offers baccalaureate, professional, and master's degrees for a diverse student bod...

Admissions open
~ $4,000 / year

Mid-Atlantic Christian University

United States, Hampton

Bachelor • 8

Mid-Atlantic Christian University or MACU (formerly Roanoke Bible College or RBC) is a private Christian university located in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, United States. It is...

Admissions open
~ $22,680 / year

Thomas Nelson Community College

United States, Hampton

Bachelor • 21

Thomas Nelson Community College (abbreviated form: TNCC) is a two-year college located in Virginia. It has two campuses – one located in Hampton, and the other in James City County...

Admissions open
~ $4,416 / year

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