List of universities by your criteria
Showing 1 – 20 of over 20 results.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Brazil, Porto Alegre
The Federal University of Rio Grande do Su(Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS; known as Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, URGS, between 1947 and 1950) is...
Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Brazil, Juiz de Fora
Established in 1960, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the medium-sized city...
Fluminense Federal University
Brazil, Niteroi
Established in 1960, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Fluminense Federal University) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the sma...
Federal University of Ouro Prêto
Brazil, Ouro Preto
Founded in 1969, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Federal University of Ouro Prêto) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large town Ouro Preto (po...
Federal University of Viçosa
Brazil, Vicosa
The Federal University of Viçosa originated from the Rector of Agriculture and the Veterinary School (Esau), established by Decree 6053 of 30 March 1922, then the President of the...
Federal University of Espirito Santo
Brazil, Vitoria
The Federal University Espirito Santo (Ufes) is an autonomous public institution under the Ministry of Education (MEC), with didactic, scientific, administrative and financial auto...
Federal University of Ceará (UFC)
Brazil, Fortaleza
UFC was created by the Brazilian federal government in 1955 and is under the Ministry of Education. The University was created as the result of great public debate, which had begun...
Federal University of Pelotas
Brazil, Pelotas
Established in 1969, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Federal University of Pelotas) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the sma...
Federal University of Alagoas
Brazil, Maceio
Founded in 1961, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Federal University of Alagoas) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the medium-sized city of Maceio (pop...
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Brazil, Caico
The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN) is a public Brazilian university funded by the Brazilian federal gover...
Federal University of Goias
Brazil, Goiania
The Federal University of Goiás was created on December 14, 1960 with the meeting of five higher schools that existed in Goiânia: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Pharmacy and Dentistry,...
federal University of Ceara
Brazil, Fortaleza
The Federal University of Ceará is an autarchy linked to the Ministry of Education. It was born as a result of a broad movement of public opinion. It was created by Law No. 2373, o...
Federal University of Goias
Brazil, Goiania
Founded in 1960, Universidade Federal de Goiás (Federal University of Goiás) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the large ci...
Federal University of Maranhão
Brazil, Sao Luis
The Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) is a Brazilian public higher education institution, maintained by the Federal Government of Brazil. UFMA is a foundation linked to the Min...
Federal University of Sergipe
UFS aims to implement the internal process of the University "with self-evaluation, systematization and provision of requested information to the National Commission for Higher Edu...
Federal University of São João del-Rei
Brazil, Divinopolis
Established by Law 7,555 of December 28, 1986, the Foundation of Higher Education of São João del Rei (FUNREI) was the result of the meeting and federalization of two institutions:...
Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES)
Brazil, Vitoria
The Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes) is an autonomous institution linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), with autonomous didactic-scientific, administrative and fina...
Federal University of ABC
Brazil, Santo Andre
The Federal University of ABC (UFABC) is a federal public institution of higher education in the ABC of São Paulo. It occupies the 1st place among the Brazilian universities in the...
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
Brazil, Campo Grande
Founded in 1969, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban...
Federal University of Santa Maria
Brazil, Santa Maria
The Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) is a Brazilian public and federal higher education institution, located in Santa Maria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. UFSM is head...