List of programs by your criteria

Showing 1 – 17 of over 17 results.

Master of Humanities

Chile, Valparaiso

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

Desde el inicio de sus actividades académicas, en Marzo de 1928, la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso ha desarrollado una ininterrumpida labor académica, de investigación y extens...

Admissions open
~ $5,000 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

Finis Terrae University's mission is to integrally train people with a broad knowledge of their specialty, with skills and competences, creativity and a reflexive spirit, enabling...

Admissions open
~ $2,777 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Temuco

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

The Autonomous University of Chile is a non-profit institution founded in Temuco on July 31, 1989, under the name of Autonomous University of the South, by the outstanding lawyer a...

Admissions open
~ $2,847 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

ARCIS now, undoubtedly, is going through a critical moment, but it is not insurmountable. Economic difficulties, combined with a consistent campaign to discredit his public image,...

Admissions open
~ $3,236 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

Our history begins in 1975, when Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez led the creation of a training center within the framework of freedom and pluralism. In this way, he was born in the...

Admissions open
~ $3,050 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was founded on June 21, 1888 by Monsignor Mariano Casanova, Archbishop of Santiago. His goal was to create an institution capable of bl...

Admissions open
~ $9,000 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Valdivia

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

The history of UACh dates back to 1942 when a society called Sociedad de Amigos del Arte was formed in the city of Valdivia to promote culture. One of the society's main goals was...

Admissions open
~ $3,185 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Temuco

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

Located in Chile, La Araucanía Region, the University of La Frontera (UFRO) is an institution of public and state higher education, considered among the best in the country, for it...

Admissions open
~ $2,819 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

Diego Portales University has as an academic project to train professionals with a high theoretical and practical domain of their future labor and disciplinary field, and committed...

Admissions open
~ $2,780 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Concepcion

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

At the end of 1918, Don Enrique Molina left the trip to the US on behalf of the Government of Chile to study the university systems of this northern country, resulting in the presi...

Admissions open
~ $3,280 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

U. Alberto Hurtado was created on October 20, 1997 by the Society of Jesus. In a context marked by enormous socio-cultural transformations, the idea was to offer the country an edu...

Admissions open
~ $2,754 / year

Master of Humanities


Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

Adolfo Ibáñez University is an academic, non-profit community, born of the Business School of Valparaiso. It was created in 1953 by the Adolfo Ibáñez Foundation, depositary of the...

Admissions open
~ $11,000 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Arica

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

The University of Tarapacá is a Chilean university, of state character, whose central headquarters is located in Arica, capital of the XV Region. He is part of the Association of R...

Admissions open
~ $4,800 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

The University of Chile is an institution of higher education of national and public character of Chile, created by law of 19 of November of 1842, and installed the 17 of September...

Admissions open
~ $1,981 / year

Master of Humanities


Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

UMCE aims to distinguish itself as a significant benchmark for the training of education professionals and related to its mission in the country, so areas that your academic contri...

Admissions open
~ $2,220 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Iquique

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

La Universidad Arturo Prat, creada en 1967, es continuadora del Instituto Profesional de Iquique (fundado en 1981), derivado a la vez de una sede más pequeña y joven de la Universi...

Admissions open
~ $3,248 / year

Master of Humanities

Chile, Santiago

Master Humanities 2 years Full-time

The history of the Universidad Andrés Bello begins with its foundation in October 1988. UNAB is a higher education institute that was established with the goal of becoming a plural...

Admissions open
~ $2,500 / year

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