List of universities by your criteria
Showing 41 – 60 of over 135 results.
University of Music and Theater Leipzig
Germany, Leipzig
A young institution founded in 1992, the University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig (Hochschule für Musik und Theater, or HMT) is the successor to German...
Berlin-Weissensee Art Academy
Germany, Berlin
Established in 1946, Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin (Berlin-Weissensee Art Academy) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the l...
Academy of Music in Nuremberg
Germany, Nuernberg
The third state-run music college in Bavaria was founded in Nürnberg in 2008, from the Meistersinger Conservatory and the municipal double-high school Nuremberg-Augsburg. In the he...
Robert Schumann University of Music Düsseldorf
Germany, Duesseldorf
Established in 1972, Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf (Robert Schumann University of Music Düsseldorf) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the u...
Folkwang University of the Arts
Germany, Essen
The “Folkwang School of Music, Dance and Speech” was founded in 1927; in 1928 the name of the pre-existing Essen School of Trades and Applied Arts was changed to “Folkwang School o...
University of Applied Sciences Hannover
Germany, Hannover
Die Hochschule Hannover (HsH) ist eine staatliche Fachhochschule in Niedersachsen. In Hannover gliedert sie sich im Wesentlichen in vier Standorte (Hauptcampus am Ricklinger Stadtw...
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Germany, Koeln
The KHM logo looks like a black square. And that is what it is. But that’s not all that it is: there is much more to it! When the designers Uwe Loesch and Michael Wichelhaus create...
Steinbeis University of Appied Sciences of Berlin
Germany, Berlin
Established in 1998, Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin (Steinbeis University of Appied Sciences of Berlin) is a for-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban s...
College of Church Music Tübingen
Germany, Tuebingen
The special alignment of the Ev. College for Church Music Tübingen is showing, among other things, the strong networking with other training institutions and partners such as: The...
Muthesius College of Art
Germany, Kiel
The Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel is the only art college in the state of Schleswig-Holstein . It is named after the architect Hermann Muthesius . It was founded in 1907 as a W...
Biberach University of Applied Sciences
Germany, Biberach an der Riss
The Biberach University of Applied Sciences - Hochschule Biberach - emerged in 1971 out of the public engineering school for architecture, which had been founded in 1964. The study...
SRH University Heidelberg
Germany, Heidelberg
SRH University Heidelberg is one of the largest and oldest private universities in Germany. About 3,400 students are currently enrolled in six faculties. Being a private university...
University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend
Germany, Schwaebisch Gmuend
The University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd is a dynamic university with an especially long tradition in teacher training, namely since 1825. Formerly a teacher's seminar, it now...
University of Music and Theater Rostock
Germany, Rostock
In the literal sense, the Rostock University of Music and Drama is very new, as it was only founded in 1994. However, its seemingly youthful façade conceals years of tradition. A c...
University for Protestant Church Music in Bavaria
Germany, Bayreuth
Founded in 2000, Hochschule für Evangelische Kirchenmusik Bayreuth (University for Protestant Church Music in Bavaria) is a non-profit public higher education institution located i...
Academy of Fine Arts Munster
Germany, Muenster
The Kunsthochschulgesetz offers the art academies in NRW the best conditions and guarantees a high degree of autonomy. In the academic field, in particular, there is a self-adminis...
University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar
Germany, Weimar
Based in the home-town of German Classicism and rich in tradition, the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar is an institution of higher education for young musicians, academics,...
University of Education, Freiburg
Germany, Freiburg
The Freiburg University of Education was founded in 1962 from the confessional academies I and II for teacher training. At that time, the college extended to the former Catholic pa...
University of Music and Theater Munich
Germany, Munich
The Hochschule für Musik und Theater München is one of the most respected traditional vocational universities in Germany specialising in music and the performing arts. The building...
Nuremberg University of Music
Germany, Nuernberg
The Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg (Nuremberg University of Music) is the most recently established institution in Germany to offer an academic musical training, but it can look bac...