List of universities by your criteria
Showing 141 – 160 of over 549 results.
Paris West University Nanterre La Defense
France, Nanterre
Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) formerly called Paris X Nanterre is a French university in the Academy of Versailles. It is o...
University Institute of Technology of Bethune
France, Arras
The University Diploma of Technology is a national diploma of higher education accessible after obtaining the baccalauréat (as well as the adults in resumption of studies), sanctio...
University of Reunion
France, Saint-Denis
Creation of components: In 1982: UFR "Droit et Economie" was the first faculty at the University of La Réunion, followed by the UFR "Sciences et Technologies" and the UFR "Lettres...
EDHEC Business School
France, Roubaix
Created by and for entrepreneurs, EDHEC has embodied the fundamental values of business for over a century. Our aim is to pass on the keys to business success to new generations of...
ESIGELEC Graduate School of Engineering
France, Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray
The École supérieure d'ingénieurs en ingénie électrique (ESIGELEC) is one of the 210 French engineering schools authorized to award an engineering degree . Consular school , under...
University of the Littoral Opal Coast
France, Dunkerque
University of the Littoral Opal Coast, also known as ULCO, is a French university, based in Boulogne, Calais, Dunkirk (Dunkerque) and Saint Omer. The head office is in Dunkirk. It...
École Normale Supérieure
France, Paris
The École normale supérieure is a French grande école (higher education establishment outside the framework of the public university system), and a constituent college of PSL Resea...
National School of Chemistry of Paris
France, Paris
Founded in 1896 and located in the " Campus Curie ", 5 th district of Paris , on the Montagne Sainte-Genevieve , it has the status of public scientific, cultural and professiona...
Nancy School of Mines
France, Nancy
L'École nationale supérieure des mines de Nancy, ou Mines Nancy Artem4, également connue sous le nom École des mines de Nancy, est l'une des 210 écoles d'ingénieurs françaises habi...
School of Mines of Douai
France, Douai
On March 1, 2012, Douai Mine is part of the Mines-Telecom Institute, which currently has 12,000 students, 8,000 engineering students, or 7% of engineering graduates each year. Thro...
Higher School of Chemistry, Physics, Electronics of Lyon
France, Villeurbanne
The Lyon School of Chemistry, Physics and Electronics (also known as ESCPE Lyon or CPE Lyon for chemistry, physics, electronics) is one of the 210 French engineering schools author...
University of Maine
France, Le Mans
Founded in 1977 and located 200 km west of Paris, the University of Maine is a multidisciplinary institution of 10,600 students on two campuses, Le Mans and Laval. With its 3 facul...
Higher National School of Engineers of Limoges
France, Limoges
The ENSIL-ENSCI is one of the 210 engineering colleges French authorized to issue an engineering degree. The school is located on the site of the Ester Technopole in Limoges , it d...
Bordeaux Sciences Agro
France, Gradignan
Bordeaux Sciences Agro is a public institution of higher education and agronomic research under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry. Created in 1...
Higher School of Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science
France, Villejuif
ESIGETEL, a member of the Conference des Grandes Ecoles is a young and innovative school that has built a reputation for itself by producing, as of today, more than 1,850 well-trai...
National School of Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics of B
France, Talence
The National School of electronics, IT, telecommunications, mathematics and mechanics Bordeaux ( ENSEIRB-MATMECA ) is one of the 210 engineering colleges French authorized to issue...
France, Poitiers
ENSMA, Poitiers was established in 1948, was established in 1993 Futuroscope. Our school has been built for more than half a century with a solid reputation with the formation of n...
VetAgro Sup
VetAgro Sup was founded on January 1st 2010 after the merger between the National Veterinary School of Lyon, the National School for Agricultural Engineering of Clermont-Ferrand an...
Special School of Public Works, Building and Industry
France, Cachan
The Special School of Public Works, Building and Industry (ESTP Paris) is a large engineering school among the 210 accredited to award an engineering degree. The duration of the e...