List of universities by your criteria

Showing 81 – 86 of over 86 results.

Universitas Abdurachman Saleh Situbondo

Indonesia, Situbondo

Bachelor • 1

Abdurachman Saleh Situbondo University was established in Situbondo on August 15, 1981. The higher education institution is fostered by Yayasan Pendidikan Abdurachman Saleh which w...

Admissions open
~ $550 / year

Kanjuruhan University

Indonesia, Malang

Bachelor • 1

Established in 1975, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang (Kanjuruhan University) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the medium-si...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Islamic University of Riau

Indonesia, Pekanbaru

Bachelor • 1

Founded in 1962, Universitas Islam Riau (Islamic University of Riau) is a private higher education institution located in the medium-sized city of Pekanbaru (population range of 50...

Admissions open
~ $1,316 / year

Musamus Merauke University


Bachelor • 1

Established in 2001, Universitas Musamus Merauke is a private higher education institution located in the small city of Merauke Papua. Officially accredited/recognized by the Kemen...

Admissions open
~ $1,161 / year

Widya Manadala Catholic University

Indonesia, Surabaya

Bachelor • 1

Established in 1960, Widya Mandala Catholic University of Surabaya is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large city of Suraba...

Admissions open
~ $887 / year

Institut Sains & Teknologi Akprind

Indonesia, Yogyakarta

Bachelor • 1

AKPRIND Institute of Science & Technology (IST AKPRIND) Yogyakarta is a private university located in Yogyakarta city, with campus accreditation value (B). It is under the Foundati...

Admissions open
~ $650 / year

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