Ivory Coast – Master programs in Chemistry

We found 3 universities offering 3 Master programs.

Study the Master programs in Chemistry in Ivory Coast

  • 3


  • 3


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $650

    Tuition fees

Who is the Master of Chemistry?

Chemistry is the science of substances, their properties, structure, and transformations, which occur as a result of chemical reactions, as well as the fundamental laws to which these transformations are subject. Master of chemistry is a person who studies various substances, their interconnection, a well as their properties and the characteristics of chemical reactions.

What are the basic tasks of the master of chemistry?

Duties of a chemist: conducting laboratory research; technological control of production; control over the quality of raw materials and products; development and implementation of industrial technologies; creation of production regulations and technological maps.

Ivory Coast – Master programs in Chemistry statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 3 Master programs in Chemistry at 3 universities in Ivory Coast. Furthermore, you can choose one of 3 Bachelor programs in Chemistry at 3 universities, 3 Master programs in Chemistry at 3 universities, and 3 PhD programs in Chemistry at 3 universities.

The largest cities offering Master programs in Chemistry in Ivory Coast

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Ivory Coast.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Daloa 1 ~ $500 Search
Bouake 1 ~ $750 Search
Abidjan 1 ~ $700 Search

Ivory Coast – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $59


Ivory Coast – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Ivory Coast.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Chemistry in Ivory Coast

University Alassane Ouattara

Ivory Coast, Bouake

Master • 1

Alassane Ouattara University is the result of one of the university centers set up in 1992 by the Ivorian authorities in order to relieve congestion at the National University of C...

Admissions open
~ $750 / year

University of Cocody

Ivory Coast, Abidjan

Master • 1

The Félix-Houphouët-Boigny University, formerly known as the University of Cocody, originates from the three university centers which were affiliated to the National University of...

Admissions open
~ $700 / year

Jean Lorougnon Guédé University

Ivory Coast, Daloa

Master • 1

Jean Lorougnon Guedé University is an Ivorian university, located in the upper Sassandra region more precisely in the city of Daloa. It was previously a dismemberment of the Univer...

Admissions open
~ $500 / year

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