Mauritania – Bachelor programs in Management

We found 2 universities offering 2 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Management in Mauritania

  • 2


  • 2


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $216

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Organizational Management?

Organizational Management is a discipline which helps organize, manage and monitor work of different people to achieve the aims of an organization effectively. A Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management offers courses in leadership, along with creative writing, as well as business administration, including psychology, and business communications in addition with operations and systems management, plus marketing, combined with project management, coupled with financial management.

What are the duties of a graduate in Organizational Management?

Postgraduates studying Organizational Management develop business strategies, deal with workers and customers, as well as organize training programs, in addition, they design advertising campaigns, along with ensuring achievements with strategic business goals, plus divide departments responsibilities.

Mauritania – Bachelor programs in Management statistics provides information about 2 Bachelor programs in Management at 2 universities in Mauritania. Furthermore, you can choose one of 2 Bachelor programs in Management at 2 universities, 1 Master program in Management at 1 university, and 1 PhD program in Management at 1 university.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Management in Mauritania

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Mauritania.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Nouakchott 2 ~ $216 Search

Mauritania – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $22


Mauritania – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Mauritania.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Management in Mauritania

International Lebanese University

Mauritania, Nouakchott

Bachelor • 1

The creation of the LIU in Mauritania is an extension of the Universal Academic Educational Project launched for more than a quarter of a century in Lebanon in the Bekaa region on...

Admissions open
~ $220 / year

University of Nouakchott

Mauritania, Nouakchott

Bachelor • 1

University of Nouakchott: training institutions and research structures The University of Nouakchott was created in 1981 by decree N ° 81-208 dated 16 September 1981 to contribute...

Admissions open
~ $211 / year

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