List of universities by your criteria
Showing 1 – 20 of over 120 results.
Fomic Polytechnic University
Cameroon, Buea
Fomic Polytechnic is one of the top ranking private higher educational institutions in Cameroon which is also part of the Fomic Group. Fomic is approved by the Ministry of Higher E...
Foundation Training school For Health Biomedical Science and Technology
Cameroon, Bamenda
Since it's Inception in 2009 Foundation Institute for Health Biomedical Sciences and Technology, has repeatly mounted up the ladder standing tall amongst other institutions thanks...
Higher Institute of Applied Medical Buea
Cameroon, Buea
Institute of Applied Medical Sciences (IAMS) was founded in 2003 as a vocational training institute, accredited in 2008 as a higher institute (HIAMS) by the Ministry of Higher Educ...
Fotabe University
Cameroon, Bamenda
At Foundation, we believe in the Doing and not only in the knowing. That is, skill and professionalism comes first before any other iterm. With a fresh breath of well selected le...
The ICT University
Cameroon, Yaounde
Being a US-Based institution providing quality ICT and Managerial Human Capacity Development specially targeted for Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia, the ICT Universit...
University of Douala
Cameroon, Douala
The University of Douala, like the other seven state universities in Cameroon, was created and organized by Presidential Decree No. 93/030 of 19 January 1993. It inherits the struc...
Institute of Science Technology Cameroon
Cameroon, Bamenda
BFRA is dedicated to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in Cameroon through research and advocacy as part of her efforts in reducing infant mortality.
Presbyterian Theological Seminary, PTS Kumba
Cameroon, Yaounde
The Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a pastoral and academic institution serving the Lord Jesus Christ through his Church. Its mission is to train men and women for ministerial...
Tankou Group Higher Education
Cameroon, Yaounde
For BrainPrepa Courses, progress is based on three essential steps that lead to success in competitions; These are the steps of success: anticipate, train, explain, frame. We acco...
Higher Institute of Technology
Cameroon, Yaounde
The Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (ENSP) was created on June 4, 1971 to train technical staff and to develop its research to support the development of the country. Two...
University of Yaoundé I
Cameroon, Yaounde
Created by Decree No. 93/036 of 29 January 1993, the University of Yaoundé I is a Public, Scientific and Cultural Institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. It is p...
The University of Bamenda
The history of The University of Bamenda is inextricably linked to that of the Cameroon College of Arts, Science and Technology (CCAST) and Ecole Normale Supérieure Annex (ENSAB) B...
University of Maroua
Cameroon, Maroua
The University of Maroua (UMa) is located in the city of Maroua, Chief Places of the Region (300,000 inhabitants), Far North Region of Cameroon. It was created by Presidential Decr...
Saint Lawrence University
The mission of St Lawrence University is to provide quality, affordable education in the American liberal arts tradition by adopting a whole-person development approach, student-ce...
Higher Institute for Management Studies
Cameroon, Buea
Higher Institute of Management Studies (HIMS Buea)ProgrammesAdmissionOffices HIMS First Convucation on B-TECH at CNPS HALL Mile 17 Buea About Hims The Higher Institute of Manageme...
University Institute of Science, Technology and Ethics
Cameroon, Douala
The University of Science, Technology and Ethics is made up of six major schools and the output of each of them is an overture for the student to the professional world.
Saint Monica University (SMU) - The American International University
Cameroon, Buea
Saint Monica University or Saint Monica University: The American International University (SMU), is an accredited private independent Catholic university with operations in Cameroo...
Higher Institute of Economics and Accounting
Cameroon, Douala
Thought by professionals for professionals, ISTEC is committed to your side in the well-developed professional training process through its network of credible partners. In other w...
Higher Institute of Languages and Communication
Cameroon, Yaounde
The Higher Institute of Translation, Interpretation and Communication (ISTIC) of Yaoundé was born in November 2006 of the will of 12 professionals, translators and conference inter...
Catholic University Institute of Buea
Cameroon, Buea
CUIB as a Catholic Business/Professional institution has a dual - general and specific – task: to teach the faith and to disseminate and further develop Catholic Social Thought (CS...