List of universities by your criteria
Showing 21 – 40 of over 62 results.
University of the Pacific Peru
The history of Universidad del Pacífico began on February 28th, 1962. At that time, a group of personalities from the business sector, with the support of the Society of Jesus, fou...
Catholic University of Santa Maria
The Catholic University of Santa Maria is a superior educational institution founded in 1961 by Father William Morris Christy, with the objectives of training students with humanis...
Norbert Wiener University
Peru, Lima
The Wiener University is an academic institution that assumes the mission of empowering people, training them professionally and humanistically to achieve their self-realization. W...
University of Johannesburg
Peru, Moquegua
It was created as a PRIVATE UNIVERSITY OF MOQUEGUA by Law No. 25153 of December 23, 1989 with professional careers: Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, E...
National University of Ucayali
Peru, Pucallpa
The National University of Ucayali was created by Decree Law No. 22804 of December 18, 1979; During the Military Government of General Francisco Morales Bermúdez Cerruti; Initially...
National University of San Martin Tarapoto
The National University of San Martín - Tarapoto, was created by D.L. No. 22803 on December 18, 1979 in the city of Tarapoto, ratified by Law No. 23262 on July 18, 1981. In April 1...
National University of Education Enrique Guzmán y Valle
In the name of this house of higher studies, I express my warmest greetings and congratulations to you for the success you have just achieved with the realization of your desire to...
University of Huánuco
Peru, Huanuco
We train professionals of high humanistic, scientific and technological quality, with sensitivity to contribute to the development of the region and the country; We carry out resea...
North Technological Institute
Peru, Trujillo
The Technical and Administrative Teaching staff of the Instituto Tecnologico del Norte ITN welcomes you, at the same time congratulating you on the successful decision to invest in...
Marcellin Champagnat University
Peru, Santiago de Surco
We are a university community inspired by humanistic and Christian principles, and in the Marist educational tradition; Dedicated to the integral formation of the person in the aca...
National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios
Peru, Tambopata
The National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios was created by Law No. 27297 dated July 5, 2000; With the purpose of providing quality university level educational services (pro...
National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza of Amazonas
Peru, Chachapoyas
The National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (UNTRM) is one of the highest growth public universities in the last decades, our impact on people, our region and...
Daniel Alcides Carrion National University
Peru, Cerro de Pasco
Daniel Alcides Carrión National University is a public institution of higher education located in the city of Cerro de Pasco, was founded in 1965 at the initiative of the State of...
Peruvian University of the Americas
Peru, Lima
The Peruvian University of the Americas began its institutional activities on October of October of 2002 with the signing of the Minutes containing the Foundation Act, the Agreemen...
Universidad Privada del Norte
Peru, Trujillo
The Universidad Privada del Norte (UPN) is a private institution founded in the city of Trujillo ( Peru ) in 1993 and with headquarters in Lima, and in Cajamarca . It belongs to th...
Continental University
Peru, Huancayo
We are the Continental University, a dynamic university that, through a stimulating, experimental and collaborative educational ecosystem, forms leaders with an entrepreneurial min...
Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Peru, Lima
The Technological University of Peru (abbreviations: UTP ) located in Lima , Peru . It was founded on September 8, 1997, although it formally began to exercise functions in Novembe...
National Service of Training in Industrial Work
Motivated by the fact that traditional vocational training and technical education did not provide the qualifications required by modern productive activity, the employers of the N...
Universidad Señor de Sipan
Peru, Chiclayo
The Señor de Sipán University is part of the largest Educational Consortium in northern Peru, located in the city of Chiclayo - Peru, was created by the National Council for the Au...
Scientific University of Peru
Peru, Iquitos
The Universidad Científica del Perú is an academic community dedicated to education, research, social responsibility, and training professionals committed to the development aspira...