Indonesia – Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies

We found 11 universities offering 11 Bachelor programs.

Study the Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies in Indonesia

  • 11


  • 11


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $1,236

    Tuition fees

What is a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Management?

Environmental Management is a part of the overall management system including organizational structure, activities, methods, techniques, processes and resources for the development, implementation and analysis of environmental policy. A Bachelor's program in Environmental Management involves courses in Environmental chemistry, Water management, Pollution control, Statistics, Environmental law and regulation, Waste management, Environmental economics.

What are the undertaking of a graduate student in Environmental Management?

The undertaking of a graduate student in Environmental Management involves designing and planning strategies and activities for environmental protection, controlling of water, soil and air pollution, implementing measures against environmental hazards, ensuring implementation of environmental policy, analyzing pollution control data.

Indonesia – Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies statistics provides information about 11 Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies at 11 universities in Indonesia. Furthermore, you can choose one of 11 Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies at 11 universities and 4 Master programs in Environmental Studies at 4 universities.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies in Indonesia

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Indonesia.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Tangerang 2 ~ $3,040 Search
Padang 2 ~ $1,063 Search
Mataram 2 ~ $730 Search
Samarinda 1 ~ $535 Search
Bekasi 1 ~ $670 Search
Lamongan 1 ~ $485 Search
Sukabumi 1 ~ $787 Search

Indonesia – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $116


  • ~ $142


  • ~ $204


  • ~ $333


Indonesia – Where to study?

The most popular student cities in Indonesia.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies in Indonesia

Swiss German University

Indonesia, Tangerang

Bachelor • 1

Swiss German University (SGU) was established in 2000 as the first international university with a dual academic license recognized as a university under Indonesian law. The licens...

Admissions open
~ $4,480 / year

Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi

Indonesia, Sukabumi

Bachelor • 1

ince 1996, Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PDM) of Sukabumi was conferred by Muhammadiyah Regional Deliberation to establish higher education. However, within five years since th...

Admissions open
~ $787 / year

Mulawarman University

Indonesia, Samarinda

Bachelor • 1

Mulawarman University , abbreviated as Unmul , is a state university in Samarinda , East Kalimantan , Indonesia . The university was established on September 27, 1962 , making it t...

Admissions open
~ $535 / year

Surya University

Indonesia, Tangerang

Bachelor • 1

Surya University is an Indonesian private university that was founded in 2013 by the educational leader and physicist Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D.[1] Temporary campus was built in th...

Admissions open
~ $1,600 / year

Al Azhar Islamic University of Mataram

Indonesia, Mataram

Bachelor • 1

At first Al-Azhar Islamic University (UNIZAR) has 4 (four) Faculty, namely: (1) Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law and Criminal Law Department, the latter in 1993, the nationa...

Admissions open
~ $717 / year

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