Indonesia – Master programs in Physical Education
We found 4 universities offering 4 Master programs.
Study the Master programs in Physical Education in Indonesia
Years of study
~ $964
Tuition fees
What is a Master's degree in Physical Education?
Physical education is the pedagogical process which focuses on physical development, functional improvement of the organism, training of the main vital motor skills. A master's degree in physical education involves courses in Coaching Strategies, Anatomy and Physiology, along with Biomechanics, Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education, Current Issues in Physical Education, combined with Teaching Elementary/Secondary Physical Education.
What are the duties of a postgraduate of a Master’s degree in Physical Education?
A postgraduate with a master’s diploma in physical education may develop training and nutrition programs, study movements of the human body, train students, athletes and teams, as well as improve sportsmen’s performance. In addition, coaches ensuring the safety of training process, encourage and inspire sportsmen, plus dealing with physiotherapists and other specialists.
Indonesia – Master programs in Physical Education statistics provides information about 4 Master programs in Physical Education at 4 universities in Indonesia. Furthermore, you can choose one of 17 Bachelor programs in Physical Education at 17 universities and 4 Master programs in Physical Education at 4 universities.
Reasons to study in Indonesia
No 71 in the world education ranking
No 59 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 50 in the world economy ranking
No 49 in the world safety ranking
Indonesia – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $116
~ $142
~ $204
~ $333
Indonesia – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Indonesia.
100% discount for the 1st year
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