List of universities by your criteria
Showing 41 – 60 of over 84 results.
Higher School of Chemistry, Physics, Electronics of Lyon
France, Villeurbanne
The Lyon School of Chemistry, Physics and Electronics (also known as ESCPE Lyon or CPE Lyon for chemistry, physics, electronics) is one of the 210 French engineering schools author...
University of Maine
France, Le Mans
Founded in 1977 and located 200 km west of Paris, the University of Maine is a multidisciplinary institution of 10,600 students on two campuses, Le Mans and Laval. With its 3 facul...
National Superior School of Industrial Ceramics
France, Limoges
The school was founded in 1893 under the name of the Ceramic School of Sèvres. She was then housed in the national factory of Sèvres. The teaching initially refers to art ceramics,...
ESPCI ParisTech
France, Paris
ESPCI Paris is a major institution of higher education (a French "Grande École d’ingénieurs"), an internationally renowned research center, and a fertile ground of innovation for i...
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
France, Villeurbanne
The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 is one of the three public universities of Lyon, France. The dominant areas of study covered by the university are science and medicine. The m...
National School of Chemistry of Rennes
France, Rennes
The École Nationale Supérieure de Chemie in Rennes or ENSCR (France) is one of the 210 French engineering schools authorized to award an engineering degree. It is located on the ca...
Higher School of Organic and Mineral Chemistry
France, Compiegne
ESCOM is a private higher education institution established in 1957 and recognized by the State . ESCOM was founded on 26 September 1957 under the name of ADTI, the Association for...
Higher National School of Engineers in Chemical and Technological Arts
France, Toulouse
The National School of Engineers in Chemical and Technological Arts (ENSIACET) is one of the French schools authorized to award an engineering degree. The ensiacet is a pole of exc...
France secondary school
France, Paris
The Collège de France, formerly known as the Collège royal, is located at 11 Place Marcelin-Berthelot in the Latin Quarter of Paris (5th arrondissement) and is a major teaching and...
Graduate School of Biotechnology of the Strasbourg
France, Illkirch-Graffenstaden
The Strasbourg Higher School of Biotechnology (ESBS) was founded in 1982 by Professors Pyrr Chembon and Jean-Pierre Ebel. This becomes trilateral in 1988, thanks to the impulse pro...
CNAM Midi Pyrenees (IPST)
France, Toulouse
Cnam offers more than 300 professional training courses. Everyone can train at their own pace: on the spot, in the evening, during the day or in distance training. With the Cnam, p...
Lyon School of Physics
France, Villeurbanne
In 1883, the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon (ESCIL) was founded by Jules Raulin, a former student of Louis Pasteur. In 1919, Victor Grignard, winner of the 1912 No...
Higher National School of Chemistry of Montpellier
France, Montpellier
Enter the first chemical institute of Montpellier, ul high glassware. This institute was founded in 1889, in the premises of the school of pharmacy, combining lessons of chemistry,...
Improved National School of Chemistry of Paris
France, Paris
The first class entered November 3, 1896 Since the end of the nineteenth century, Charles Friedel, a chemist and mineralogist who chairs the Department of Organic Chemistry at the...
Higher National School of Industrial Ceramics
France, Limoges
The school was founded in 1893 as the Ecole de Ceramique de Sèvres . She was then housed in the national factory of Sèvres . The teaching initially refers to art ceramics, to gradu...
Central School of Marseille
France, Marseille
The Central School of Marseille, also known as Centrale Marseille, is one of the 210 French engineering schools authorized to award an engineering degree. It is located in Marseil...
ITECH Lyon - Textile and Chemical Institute
France, Ecully
ITECH comes from the fusion in 1988 of ESITL and EFT, 2 higher level education establishments created from the initiative of industrials. ESITL (The School of Textile Industries o...
Raining Institute in Massage Therapy
France, Paris
Our institution, the IFMK (Massage Therapy Institute) Saint-Michel, certified by the Ministry of Health, provides training to prepare you for the state diploma of masseur-kinesith...
University of Orleans
France, Orleans
The University of Orleans was officially founded by Pope Clement V on January 27, 1306, with four papal bulls (a bull is a document in which the Pope recorded the various obligatio...
University of Nantes
France, Nantes
If the history of the first university of Nantes, that which stretches from its foundation in 1460 at the initiative of the dukes of Brittany until its suppression by the French Re...